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It Takes an Island to end violence against children

It Takes an Island

to end violence against children

More than 1 billion children are affected by some type of violence each year.

Violence is the world’s worst crime against children. It happens in every country, city and community. Violence is a thief; physical, sexual and emotional abuse, neglect and exploitation rob children of their future, their dignity, human rights and God-given potential.

World Vision is relentlessly advocating for an end to violence against children; highlighting it when it occurs and holding those responsible to account. We work to prevent violence wherever it occurs so no child has to experience it. We are working with survivors, strengthening the systems and services available to them to ensure they have the chance to heal and recover. We will amplify their stories and voices.

A boy from Rwanda wearing a blue top smiles off to the side of the camera standing with a blackboard behind him

We believe that a world without violence against children is possible.

How we're ending violence against children:

What we have learned about ending violence against children:

It can be done: ending violence against children is possible

It takes a world: key actors must be engaged and participating

There is no magic wand: ending violence requires a combination of different approaches

Context is key: when our approaches reflect the local culture, norms and infrastructure, they work

Big picture, little picture: solutions require direct interventions and longer-term system strengthening

It takes children: boys and girls play a significant role, as active agents of change

Scaling up: do more of what works, in more places

Read some of our inspirational stories