Priscillia, 12, uses a megaphone to share protection messages with her community

It takes a world. It takes you.

Today, about 250 million children’s homes are affected by conflict.

A quarter of the world’s children – around 535 million – live in countries and communities blighted by conflict, disaster and epidemics.

In these places, many are forced to flee their homes and communities, leaving their schools and too often separated from family and friends. Without these usual protections, these children are some of the most vulnerable in the world – and are particularly vulnerable to violence.

Violence against children

Violence can take many forms:

We know what works to keep children safe from violence in emergencies. We support those who have survived it by investing in programmes, creating protective environments, and empowering communities, parents and children themselves.

Stand with them

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It takes a world to end violence against children is a global campaign run by World Vision International since 2016.

Active in more than 80 countries to date, the It takes a world campaign aims to:

  • ignite global movements for, with, and by children,
  • strengthen prevention and response measures,
  • increase funding
  • and strengthen accountability for commitments to ending violence against children.

Overall, the campaign aims to impact on the lives of millions of girls and boys under 18 globally, by contributing to the end of all forms of violence against them (in line with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child).

All children deserve to be safe

World Vision Youth Advocates and staff with the petition and total number of signatories, outside the Houses of Parliament
World Vision Youth Advocates and staff hand-in the petition in Westminster

Asking our government to keep children safe

In the United Kingdom, the campaign was launched in November 2018, asking the UK Government to make ending violence against children a priority for the UK’s humanitarian policies, programmes, and international aid.

Independent research shows that only 2.5% of all humanitarian aid given by the UK Government is spent on ending violence against children.

That’s why we called on the UK Government to invest in safer futures for the world’s children.

Our Government can make a real difference by investing in ending violence against children – making it a priority for its humanitarian aid – and by influencing other governments to do the same.

We have told the Secretary of State for International Development that keeping children safe from violence – particularly in emergencies – is important to you.

In 2019, more than 34,000 of us called on the UK Government to invest in safer futures for the world’s children. And hundreds of World Vision supporters wrote to their local MP letting them know that keeping children safe from violence must be a priority and that it takes a world to break the cycle.

Through this petition, we had meetings with the government Minister responsible for this area of policy and the calls were debated in the House of Commons.

If you added your name – thank you.

Raise your voice

Sign-up to hear more about World Vision's campaigns.

Research and rescue

As part of the campaign, we’ve spoken with young people in the UK and other countries in which we work, to discover their views on the issues that can affect – and end – childhoods. This research has come together to form reports, reflecting the impact of violence on young people:

Child soldiers: Their fight, our future

Child marriage: No happily ever after 

Here are a couple of the cases the young people discussed.

What can I do to end violence against children?

Together, we can protect and care for vulnerable children, so stories like these become a thing of the past.

Keep an eye on our It Takes a World campaign, to make your voice heard in future actions.
And consider becoming a Childhood Rescue supporter, to help children living in the most fragile and difficult places.

It really does take a world – but together, we can end violence against children.