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Enough is ENOUGH
Campaign Message
Let’s end child hunger today
Will you help children in the world's most dangerous places? Survive, recover & build a future.

70 years of experience

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Experts in transforming communities and children's lives.
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Almost 100 countries

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Providing water, education, food and emergency response.

200 million children

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Helped more than 200 million children to achieve their dreams.
In Los Pinos, Honduras, a girl collects water with a bucket, close to the location where a new water tank for her community will be built.

Survive, recover & build a future

Millions of children live amongst conflict, disaster, political unrest & ongoing instability. In these dangerous places children, and particularly girls, are facing the real risk of hunger, violence, exploitation and child marriage. 

To reach the most vulnerable children, World Vision designed Childhood Rescue, a specific programme that is adaptable and flexible. Childhood Rescue can respond to urgent and arising needs with life-saving interventions, crisis recovery programmes and helping to build a future for vulnerable children.

Donate today, and together, we can help children survive, recover and build a future.

The difference you can make

Enjoy the incredible journey of your child's progress through personal letters, updates, and photographs, and watch as they are empowered to achieve their dreams. 

Donate to help children when they're at their most vulnerable

Our focus is on helping the most vulnerable children, in the most difficult places, overcome poverty and experience fullness of life.

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Too many children are on the edge of survival. Weak with hunger, at risk of disease, homeless. Your donation will help children survive with life-saving food, water, and shelter.

Women holding a child and laughing


During a crisis, many children lose their loved ones, homes, and life as they once knew it. You can help children recover from trauma with counselling and specialist care.

Teacher sitting with school children


It’s almost impossible to think about the future when you’re fighting for survival. You’ll give children a chance to rebuild their future – to learn, play, and enjoy being a child.

Where will your donation go?

Supporting Refugees

Over 14 million people are estimated to have fled Ukraine since the conflict started. Thanks to our supporters, we're helping children and families who have fled to Romania, Moldova and Georgia, providing food and hygiene items, creating safe places for children and their caregivers, and supporting transit centres and hosting families.

Emergency Aid

When an emergency such as the earthquake in Syria and Türkiye hits, we're there within 72 hours, supporting where we can. Providing safety and shelter for families and children, making sure those affected have enough food, and helping communities rebuild and recover. In this photo, a staff member assesses the damage caused in the aftermath of the earthquake. 

Ending hunger

We are targeting 26 most-at-risk nations with life-saving aid and assistance in countries where children are one step away from famine, living with acute malnutrition and facing the threat of civil unrest and other vulnerabilities.

Your donation can help provide emergency food supplies, therapeutic meals for children recovering from malnutrition, and assistance with farming practices and infrastructure for displaced communities.

Supporting our work

When you donate to World Vision, 89% of your donation goes directly to charitable activities. The other 11% is invested in fundraising and administrative costs, so you'll support us to raise more money to help children around the world. You deserve to know how your donations have changed lives for good; that is why we’re transparent about our expenses and are always prepared to share this with you.

Success Story

With the help of child sponsorship, Nancy became one of the first girls in her community in Kenya to graduate high school and was inspired to become an emergency aid worker. Her sponsor, Georgie, is amazed at the impact that her child sponsorship has had on Nancy.
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“I would say to someone who is thinking about sponsoring a child - go ahead and do it, it is the most life changing thing ever!”

Frequently asked questions?

How do I sponsor a child?

You can easily sign up to Sponsor a Child page on the sponsor a child page or by calling our Supporter Care Team on 353 1 498 0800.?

What you get when you sponsor a child?

What you get when you sponsor a child?

How do you choose the children that will be sponsored?

How do you choose the children that will be sponsored?

How can I be sure my money gets to those in need?

World Vision only works within countries where we have our own offices so we can be sure that we can account for all the money that we receive and how it is used.

We have audited accounts that are publicly available at any time. As a charity, we're regulated by the Irish Charities Regulator – a legal body, which oversees all Irish charities and their activities.

We are a not-for-profit organisation, and we know that the continued support we receive is dependent on our efficient use of supporters’ money. Our Annual Reports are available here.

How do I write to the sponsored child?

How do I write to the sponsored child?

How we use funds

How do we use each euro donated?

that benefit children, families, and communities in need

Administration Expenses

to enable us to carry out our work


that supports our valuable work around the world