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Enough is ENOUGH
Campaign Message
Let’s end child hunger today

Child Sponsorship transforms the lives of vulnerable children.

We work with children and their families in some of the poorest areas of Uganda, where we support families to lift themselves out of poverty for good via improved farming methods and community saving groups.

We help shield children from poverty and malnutrition.

By becoming a sponsor, you can give a child in Uganda power over their own future.

Uganda and our Area Programmes:

Uganda APs


Population of Uganda: 22 Million


Area: 241,038 sq km


Capital City: Kampala


Main Languages: Swahili,  Luganda


Religion: Christian, traditional, Muslim


Life Expectancy: 64 Years

Kids lying on a mat in a ground


Lunyo is located in the savannah grassland belt – the land is generally flat with scanty trees and few swampy areas.  The area has two wet and two dry seasons throughout the year, however the seasons have been changing over the years and this change has greatly affected the population which heavily depends upon agriculture.

The Lunyo ADP in South Eastern Uganda began in February 2006.  World Vision Ireland works in partnership with the local community. A strong component of the programme is to train and build the capacity of the local people so that their development is in their own hands! The development activities are expected to benefit some 30,000 people

A mother and her child


Busitema is endowed with a natural forest and has relatively fertile soils, especially in the northern parts.  The area has two wet and two dry seasons throughout the year; however the fairly flat land is prone to soil erosion and the vegetation has undergone changes as a result of continuous cultivation, burning or clearing.  The population largely depends on agriculture.

The Busitema ADP in the Busia district of South Eastern Uganda began in February 2006.  World Vision Ireland works in partnership with the local community, which is ultimately responsible for the planning and decision-making.  A strong component of the programme is to train and build the capacity of the local people so that their development is in their own hands. The development activities are expected to benefit some 25,000 people.

Priority Challenges:

Child collecting water from a tap


There is a high level of food insecurity in both Busitema and Lunyo ADPs, with malnutrition in children being a major problem in almost all households in the community.  There is also a high incidence of malaria, diarrhoea and parasitic infections.  World Vision will assist the community in the provision of medical equipment, educational programmes and the building of new health facilities.

Kids in a classroom


Although Uganda has taken great measures in tackling HIV/AIDS, it is still a big challenge in the community.  World Vision will work with the people of Lunyo and Busitema ADPs to introduce education and awareness programmes and provide much needed medical care.

Kids playing in water from the tap


Lack of safe, clean drinking water is one of these communities greatest needs.  The main water sources in the district are boreholes, shallow wells equipped with hand pumps and protected wells and water quality has been deteriorating over time.  World Vision Ireland is working with the people of Busitema and Lunyo ADPs to improve access to safe water.

People in a field


Subsistence agriculture is the most common and important source of income and livelihood, but rudimentary tools are used, crops are rainfall dependent and yields are low.  The main crops grown are cassava, maize, finger millet, sorghum, cotton, sweet potatoes and beans.  Cassava is the major staple food.  By promoting good farming practices, World Vision Ireland is helping community farmers to grow enough good, healthy food to feed their families.

Kids playing in a classroom


Education is vital to the development of any community.  Even though most schools are government aided, they still lack basic facilities such as adequate water and toilets, and lack of teaching materials.  World Vision and the Busitema and Lunyo communities are working together to achieve their goal of seeing all children having access to primary education and create favourable environments for better study at schools.

For €25 per month you will:

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Help whole communities

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We make a plan with community leaders and the children
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Be their only sponsor

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You can form a powerful connection that builds confidence, happiness and hope
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Celebrate their progress

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See a huge and lasting change in the lives of everyone in the community

How your donations help

With the support of our generous sponsors, the strategic goal for World Vision in Uganda is to contribute to increased and sustained well-being for children, especially the most vulnerable. This will be achieved in several ways, including:

Children playing


Education can transform a child’s life and break the cycle of poverty. We’re improving basic literacy and numeracy and working alongside communities to help them better understand their children's rights, and raise their voices to protect and provide for their children.

Ugandan children look off camera as they clasp hands together and pray


We work with some of the most vulnerable children in the world, and protecting children is an essential part of everything we do. Children affected by extreme deprivation, abuse or exploitation, those vulnerable to disaster, or living with a disability.

Female worker passes food over to another woman in an outdoor tent in Uganda


We teach people about food from the 'ground up'. From protecting the soil, growing stronger crops, effective farming techniques, to kitchen gardens and nutrition - helping families feed their children and saving millions of lives around the world.

5 Ugandan people stand outside a health facility


We save lives by training volunteer healthcare assistants, vaccinating children, and working with vulnerable families to help protect their children from infection and disease, including coronavirus. We also help them access healthcare services.

Ugandan boy holds hands underneath a hygiene station outdoors

Clean water

Each year children die from diseases caught by drinking dirty water. Sponsorship helps us build boreholes and clean water taps – so no mother has to choose between her children drinking dirty water, or none at all. Clean water saves lives, keeps children healthy, and in school.

Woman from South Sudan leans on a table outside in Uganda, with a sewing machine on the table

Family income

By providing training in new skills, and supporting mothers to start their own businesses, we're helping families gain a stable income so they can afford the essentials, like healthcare, nutrition, and education.

Because of our community-focused solutions, for every child you help, 4 more children benefit, too. 



The impact of Child Sponsorship

I now support my family... I want my younger siblings to complete school too because I have seen how education can change one’s life.

Why World Vision

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70 years of experience

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We’re an international Christian charity working with all faiths and none
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Almost 100 countries

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Together we transform the lives of the most vulnerable children
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Transforming lives

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Our solutions are community led, child focused, bringing hope and transformation


How do I sponsor a child?

You can easily sign up to Sponsor a Child page on the sponsor a child page or by calling our Supporter Care Team on 353 1 498 0800.

How does Child Sponsorship work?

World Vision has had a Child Sponsorship programme for more than 70 years, we pair donors with a vulnerable child who needs protection and empowerment.

Child Sponsorship brings much needed change to more than just one child — the benefits you help provide extends to each child's family, their community and other children in need. 

This is because World Vision partners, plans and works alongside local community members to help build healthy, sustainable communities for vulnerable children in the world’s hardest places. Learn more about how Child Sponsorship works.

How do you choose children that will be sponsored?

All of World Vision's work begins with listening to communities in need. Community leaders work with us to identify the most vulnerable children and families who will benefit from Child Sponsorship.

How do you choose communities to work in?

We work with national governments and other international agencies to identify the regions and communities that are most in need and where the most vulnerable children live. We then meet with community leaders and the wider community to gain a greater understanding of the challenges and the opportunities that exist for them and we develop a long-term plan together, to break the cycle of poverty. Find out more about how Child Sponsorship works.