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Enough is ENOUGH
Campaign Message
Let’s end child hunger today

You want to help make the world a better place! But sometimes choosing how to help can be hard – there are so many worthy causes.

Straight up, sponsoring a child is hard to beat! Over 70 years of helping kids in the world’s toughest places, we’ve seen the amazing, life-changing difference that generous people like you can make. Sponsors empower children, their families and communities to break free from poverty – for good. And sponsoring a child can be life-changing for you, too.

See if child sponsorship is right for you


1. Are you passionate about helping kids to live life to the fullest?

   a. Yes! I believe every child should be able to life free from poverty
   b. Maybe – helping kids is important, but so are other causes
   c. Not really – I would rather help adults

2. Do you believe the local community has a role to play in breaking the cycle of poverty for children?

   a. Yes – the best way to help a child is to improve the community around them
   b. Maybe – communities are important, but so are other things
   c. No – I think it’s better to concentrate on one person at a time

3. Is it important to you that the help you provide is based on rigorous research and that you see evidence of your impact?

   a. Yes – I want to know that I’m actually making a difference
   b. Maybe – research and evidence are important, but I’m more led by the heart
   c. Not really – I’m more a ‘let’s just try something and see how it goes’ person

4. Do you like the idea of personally connecting with someone you are empowering?

   a. Yes – I would love to get to know a child and what their life is like
   b. Maybe – getting to know someone is important, but so are other things
   c. No – I’d rather give money to an idea – I don’t need to know more people

5. Is it important to you that your donations are used cost-effectively to maximise your impact?

   a. Yes – I expect my money to be used effectively and responsibly, with proven accountability, transparency and safeguards
   b. Maybe – accountability is important, but so are other things
   c. No – I just feel good about giving money away

6. Do you believe children can be empowered to lead change within their communities?

    a. Yes! Children should have a voice in shaping their own lives, communities and futures and I want to help them do so
    b. Maybe – but it’s ok if they are not leading their own change, they’re just kids
    c. No – adults are responsible for all of that

A group of kids in school uniform

If you answered mostly As…

It’s official – child sponsorship is definitely right for you! How you want to make a difference in the world matches the core values of our unique approach, which means we can help you make the biggest impact on the biggest issues children face. In a world of uncertainty, that’s one thing you can be sure of right now – and there’s never been a better time to sponsor a child today.

If you answered mostly Bs…

You’re still thinking things through – we get it! Sponsoring a child is a commitment – and that’s why it’s so much more powerful than a one-off donation. Thanks for taking the time to explore your options – you can find more information here about how child sponsorship works.

And if you’re still not sure, there are other ways you can get involved in World Vision’s work too! You can advocate, volunteer, gift, run and more – there are lots of options.

If you answered mostly Cs…

It sounds like child sponsorship isn’t exactly what you’re looking for – and that’s ok! World Vision works in lots of different ways to help communities become stronger so that children to thrive. Donating to projects to improve communities’ water, education or health, supporting our Child Rescue programme working with kids in fragile contexts, or giving a gift that does good from our Gift Catalogue could be a better fit for you.

A World Vision ambassador visits sponsored children in Tanzania

Fast Facts About Child Sponsorship

Our vision is for life in all its fullest for every child


70 years of experience has taught us that the best way to change a child’s life is to transform their world. With the support of child sponsors, we help communities to improve their children’s lives, partnering with each community for up to 15 years to equip them to sustain changes. Together, we tackle the root causes of poverty and injustice that rob children of their lives and futures.

Because of our community-focused solutions, for every child you help, four more children benefit too. Instead of giving direct cash benefits to one child, we combine your monthly donations with other sponsors to make the biggest impact on the worst problems kids in a community face. You’ll help your sponsored child and many more children growing up alongside them, now and in the future.

Child sponsorship connects you with one, real child and their community. Each child has just one sponsor. You’ll hear from your sponsored child within the first months of sponsorship, and get regular reports about their progress. You can even exchange letters and cards if you would like to, and every child who receives a letter from their sponsor will write the reply themselves.

Worldwide, approximately 80% of the total funds we receive go to field programmes and advocacy work to directly support families and communities – we guarantee it. The rest is used for fundraising and administration so we can keep the work going!

Child sponsorship empowers and amplifies the voices of children as agents of change within their communities. Through child sponsorship, kids learn how to speak up for themselves and their rights. Kids don’t just benefit from the change child sponsorship brings – they lead it.

Learn More

A child sponsor, gives a child a necklace and bracelet matching her own, in Ethopia

Sponsor stories

Sponsor stories

A girl in Ethiopia looks into the camera, wearing a pink jacket

How to sponsor a child

Read our sponsorship program step-by-step guide.

Girl smiles to the camera in Bangladesh

How child sponsorship works

Everything you need to know

How we use funds

How do we use each euro donated?

that benefit children, families, and communities in need

Administration Expenses

to enable us to carry out our work


that supports our valuable work around the world