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Enough is ENOUGH
Campaign Message
Let’s end child hunger today

It was 2021 and the long days of the COVID-19 pandemic were beginning to wear Patty and her family down.

Inside their small home in Camarines Norte, 5-year-old Patty had no room to play.

Her siblings – Teresa (24), and her three older brothers Romeo (21), Rizaldy (16), and Vince (14) – were going bored of being stuck at home.

Hanging over all their heads was the realisation that their mother Jennifer could no longer work at the sari-sari store, selling snacks and other supplies.

And their father Romeo – a construction worker and casual labourer – couldn’t earn a living either.

All the work sites were shut down. No one knew how long the situation would last.

Without work, Jennifer began to worry about how she would provide for her children?

How would their family survive?

Girl from Philippines wearing a pink facemask sitting next to her mother at a table, also wearing a facemask.

Thankfully, sponsors were there to help bridge the gap.

Patty’s family is a close one. The youngest of five, she looked up to her older brothers and sister; from an early age she was determined to follow in their footsteps.

“Patty’s sister, Teresa, recently finished her Accountancy degree. I think Patricia takes inspiration from her,” said Jennifer, with a smile.

But Patty also idolises her brother Vince, who became a sponsored child with World Vision about 6 years ago, receiving assistance to go to school. He has given her a strong example of the benefits that come from studying hard.

So when Patty became a sponsored child – just like her big brother – she was thrilled. Being sponsored enabled her to go to school, too. It was a priceless opportunity to build friendships and boost her development to learn and grow.

“Patty is a bright child. She’s a fast learner,” said Jennifer.

“She’s sweet and polite. She recently received awards at her school’s ‘Moving Up’ ceremony."

"She was recognised for being a Budding Mathematician, Neat and Clean, Speaker, Young Singer, and a good reader.”

“Because Patricia and Vince are sponsored children, they get school kits every year... The gifts may sound simple, but they mean a lot to us."

For a young girl like Patricia, the opportunity to go to school is so important.

After seeing her mother struggle for years with her health, she wants to become a doctor. But without education that dream would be forever out of reach.

Now, she has an opportunity and the practical support to learn.

“Because Patricia and Vince are sponsored children, they get school kits every year,” says Jennifer.

“The gifts may sound simple, but they mean a lot to us, especially the children. They’re always happy when they get new school supplies.”

But then the pandemic came… and suddenly the classroom was closed.

When the COVID-19 pandemic brought daily life to a standstill, families like Patty’s were even more vulnerable.

Without work, they had no food. Thousands of young students like Patty couldn’t go to class to continue their education. 

Sponsored girl from the Philippines wearing a pink facemask.

But the support of her sponsor and the World Vision Philippines staff meant that Patty wasn’t left alone. Her mother could access the medical support she needed.

The family received food packages to help them get through, while Patty and Vince had school supplies and lessons delivered. The staff checked in regularly to make sure they were coping. 

With the encouragement of her sponsor, example of her siblings, love of her mother and protection of local World Vision staff, Patty is surrounded by a loving community.

That support carried her through the pandemic – and reinforced her desire to become a doctor. 

This little girl has a dream to help the most vulnerable to be healthy and safe. And now, she has the strong foundation to build toward her dream. 

“Patty wants to be a doctor when she grows up so she can help other people,” says Jennifer.

“We pray that Patty would be able to get a scholarship until college so that her future will be secure.”

You can be the reason a girl like Patty can learn, grow and chase her dreams. One child, one reason at a time, you can empower a child to break the cycle of poverty for good. Every reason adds up – for every child you help, 4 more children benefit too.

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that benefit children, families, and communities in need

Administration Expenses

to enable us to carry out our work


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