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Evaluation report for our SAUTI Youth project

SAUTI Youth project

Sustainable Accountability Uniting Tanzanian and Irish Youth project report.

Sustainable Accountability Uniting Tanzanian and Irish Youth (SAUTI-Youth 2020-2023) is an EU funded grant project which has been implemented in Galway, Ireland and Tanga, Tanzania by WV Ireland, WV Tanzania and Youth Work Ireland Galway. SAUTI is the Swahili word for ‘voice’ and SAUTI-Youth has utilised the CVA model to enable over 1000 youth from Ireland and Tanzania to be strong voices in and for their communities and to monitor government commitments on climate action. Over 80 Youth CVA leaders have been trained on CVA and have adapted the model for Environmental Stewardship and Climate Action initiatives in their communities. Youth Groups have engaged with local government structures from their own and from each other's countries, allowing for a common approach uniting youth in two different contexts in Africa and Europe.  The youth have been empowered with skills to monitor their local government’s climate action commitments, to engage in dialogue with local authorities and service providers and were able to take innovative actions to locally tackle this global challenge.

The final evaluation report for SAUTI Youth was carried out by International Institute for Child Rights and Development between October – December 2023. The report illustrates a number of key learnings and successes from the project implementation and highlights potential for World Vision’s CVA project model to engage youth in government policy-making.

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