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Children in Zambia smile, holding candles outside against the backdrop of a sunset

Leave a gift in your will

No matter how small the gift, your legacy can live on for generations

Making a Will is one of the most important things you can do to help the causes you care about. Leaving a gift in your Will is very easy.

You just speak to your solicitor about leaving a gift to World Vision Ireland in your Will and they will guide you through the process.

Making a Will allows you to take care of your family after you are gone and it’s also an opportunity to help support a charity that matters to you.

World Vision and Wills

What will your legacy be?

Throughout our lives, we work hard to ensure the children in our lives are safe and without fear. We strive to protect them, help them learn and provide a childhood full of love, safety, and hope. And in writing a will, we make sure that the protection we offered in life can remain in the years to come.

There are millions of children across the world for whom fear is an everyday fact of life: fear of hunger, disease, conflict, exploitation...the list is sadly long. Yet, by remembering World Vision Ireland, you can bring hope to the lives of these children – real and lasting hope for children in the world’s hardest places.

To speak to someone about leaving a donation in your Will or for more information, please email or call 01 498 0800

Together we’ve impacted the lives of over 200 million vulnerable children by tackling the root causes of poverty. 

The impact of a legacy

Why World Vision

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