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Boy smiles at the camera, surrounded by his schoolmates eating their free school meal in Cambodia

Health and Nutrition

No child should go hungry or be sick. Every child deserves a good start in life.

Tackling illness and malnutrition

Every day children are dying before they have a chance to live. Millions die annually from preventable causes. It’s a lottery of malnutrition, infections they weren’t immunised against, and illnesses that could be easily treated with the right health care. It can so easily be different.

World Vision focuses on three essential ways to improve health – especially for 0-5 year olds: good nutrition, protection from infection and disease, and access to essential health services.

Together, we can protect children’s health and well-being, so they can grow up healthy and safe, even in the toughest places.

Two women in the Democratic Republic Congo walk down a hallway holding babies in their arms

Since 2010, 89% of the severely malnourished children we treated made a full recovery.

Helping children grow up healthy

Good health empowers children, families, and communities. We enable vulnerable people to live fuller, freer lives by strengthening health systems and promoting good hygiene and nutrition.

You can be part of World Vision’s lifesaving work:

Sponsor a child today, improve their life forever

In a world where 1 in 9 people don’t have enough food to eat, you can help make sure children have access to nutritious food.

Discover more about our work