In recent years we have continued to see increases in the levels of child depravation and poverty across the world, particularly in many of the fragile contexts we work in. In fragile contexts, children suffer extreme levels of violence, exploitation, abuse and neglect. Working flexibly across the Humanitarian, Development and Peacebuilding Nexus (HDPN) unleashes the potential for deeper, transformational change, even in the most challenging contexts.
We continue to apply our approach to adaptive nexus programming in fragile contexts. Our nexus programming approach is designed to enable World Vision to address immediate survival needs and build towards a better future for vulnerable children and families in fragile contexts.
Transcending the traditional humanitarian/development/peacebuilding divide means combining working "in" fragility (the work of protecting lives, ensuring the survival of the most affected and most vulnerable children and protecting their rights), while contributing to their recovery and resilience after crises by working "on" fragility (addressing the root causes of fragility so that progress towards peace and stability becomes possible).
Responding flexibly to this kind of volatile change requires humanitarian, development and peacebuilding actors to work flexibly together towards collective outcomes for children.