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Yar Achien 35, feeds her 11-month old son Dio Jok VitaMeal prepared at the World Vision centre.
South Sudan Minute Read

Helping hungry children in South Sudan

World Vision's vital food packages are helping children fight malnutrition.

Have you ever heard of VitaMeal?

If you’ve never had to fight off malnutrition, you probably haven’t. Designed to be rich in vitamins and minerals, VitaMeal is a protein-rich rice that World Vision distributes all around the world.

Like in South Sudan. To people like Yar Achien.

“My child already likes the food, and am happy because it will not only save them from pangs of hunger but it’s also rich in nutrients to prevent my youngest children from malnutrition,” she says.

Yar Achien is a mother of six. Her family’s home was destroyed by flooding, and she was forced to flee to the safety of a camp for displaced people.

“I never thought we would still be alive today,” she says.

VitaMeal is composed of rice and lentils. It’s high in Vitamin A, which strengthens the immune system, and Zinc, which helps address diarrhoea.

Over the course of the last two years, the situation in South Sudan has deteriorated considerably. The cost of food has skyrocketed due to COVID-19, and the security situation is extremely volatile. Sometimes the search for work and food is just too dangerous. Mothers like Yar Achien live in fear that their children will go hungry.

“For countless times I go to bed hungry to save the little food for my children,” she says. “The food assistance from World Vision is all we have.”

“I look forward to it every month as our only hope for survival.”

Right now, the world is facing the worst hunger crisis of our generation: 45 million people are on the brink of starvation.

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