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Soy, you like cabbage?

Farming groups in DRC are supplied with education and climate-resistant seeds.

The effects of climate change disproportionately affect those already living in complex and dangerous places.

Being adaptable and innovative is key to ensuring communities are empowered to survive and build a future in spite of the climate.

Binza is an amazing example of how science, some shovels, tenacity and an incredible community can come together to change their own future.

Soy bean, cabbage and onions might not sound too appealing but they're assisting mothers in the fight against child malnutrition, ensuring they have alternative protein and food sources whilst increasing household income and stability.

When you live in a dangerous place you must celebrate the wins when they come. For the communities working the fields of Binza, this is a heart-warming and delicious result.

We are in awe, particularly of the women who have survived tragedy, begun to recover and despite it all are set to build their future.

Help women around the world fight global food insecurity. 

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